Appeal for your co-operation
Lucien Frank hardly ever dated or situated his work. As far as we know, few personal documents have been conserved.
The reconstruction of his biography therefore is a difficult and time consuming activity. Hence, each piece of information, irrelevant as it may seem at first, can develop into an interesting piece of the puzzle.
In the course of time we have gathered a lot of information about the life and works of Lucien Frank. Our inventory contains information on approximately 2.000 of his works.
No doubt many more can be found. A lot of his work has always been in private collections, sometimes documented with original documents.
If you own works by Lucien Frank, personal documents or if you dispose of any other information dating from the period before 1920, we would appreciate your collaboration.
How can you contribute ?
- By filling out and returning the form on the works you own. Click here for direct access to the document.
- By allowing us to consult exhibition catalogues, letters or documents issued by or having belonged to Lucien Frank or providing us with copies of them.
All information will be dealt with confidentially. We will gladly provide you with any additional information we may have on works you have in your possession.